Thursday, February 15, 2007

iPhone Dock "Pics"...if you will

This picture below is a beautiful drawing by an Apple Employee that explains what the iPhone docking station will look like. The reason for the crudeness of the drawing and the lack of an actual picture are do to the shit that this "artist" would be in if Apple found out an actual picture was leaked.


15" Macbook to be released on Feb. 20 or WWDC?

"Another one of those chatty Cathy Taiwan industry sources has leaked some information regarding a possible 15.4-inch MacBook release. This 15.4-inch MacBook is being made by Quanta Computer (the 13.3-inch MacBooks are made by Asustek) and is slated for a second quarter release. It is also being rumored that the price for this 15.4-inch MacBook will be more competitively priced because of the reduced cost of 15.4-inch LCD screens. No word on the specs, but I would imagine that they would remain the same."


Macbook Nano Prototype

Have a Blu-Ray Burning Mac on your Desk Now for under $2,000

To have a Blu-Ray burning/playing Mac, all you have to do is buy:

*Mac Mini (1.83 GHz Core Duo, 512 RAM(then upgrade to 2 GB by buying RAM on eBay), 160 GB HD, and a Apple Wireless Keyboard and Mouse)


*A Refurbished White Macbook(2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 1GB RAM(then upgrade to 2GB RAM by buying it on eBay), and a 80GB HD) from this site

*Blu-Ray Drive and Toast 8 from this site

*External Drive Enclosure

Mac Mini- $1098
2GB RAM- $160
Blu-Ray Drive with Toast 8- $699
External Drive Enclosure- $20
Grand Total- $1977


*Macbook- $1100
*1GB RAM- $100
*Blu-Ray Drive with Toast 8- $700
*External Drive Enclosure- $20
Grand Total- $1920